When writing up a Return order, it is very IMPORTANT to put the proper TYPE in the  RETURN QUANITY TYPE field because some TYPES effect on hands and some don't . Here are the TYPES that can be used

R- Review, used when item being returned ,was a specially ordered item and we are sending  it back to the Vendor .No effect on branches on hands

F- Defective, used when item being returned is defective and we are sending back to vendor or field  destroyed. No effect in branches on hands

S- Stock, used when item being returned and is sellable and we are putting it back into inventory. Effects on hands

O- Over shipped, NOT USED 

NOTE: It is very important , when doing a return, to put the PROPER REASON CODE


Notice , type = "R", which has no effect on on hands, yet reason code states "good for stock", type should have been "S"