This doc is to help explain what happens when you make a change in the HEADER SCREEN of the sales order when you have “multiple” ship dates on the order
In the below example, you can see that there are “2” ship dates on the order.
With my cursor on the ship date line of 11/14/19, I now do a alt “H” into the HEADER screen to enter “SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS” for THAT shipment
When I escape out the following screen appears
It is showing the changes that were made ,what field and “the change”
Notice the CPY, it defaults to “Y”, the system is asking if you want to copy the change(s) you made in the HEADER to “ALL SHIP DATES” on the order, meaning you can have different HEADER info on your order, when there is multiple SHIP DATES. In this example , I will change to “N”
I am back at the status screen, I have moved my cursor to the next “SHIP DATE”, and then did a alt “H” into the header, you can now see that the SHIPPING instructions did not copy.
Now I will enter different shipping instructions for this shipment and answer “N” to “CPY”
So , as you can see, the system allows you to have different HEADER info based on each shipment.