The following are steps for creating a NEW CUSTOMER from Sales Order Entry

  1. First try to find the customer by entering their Phone Number to see if they are already in the system Note: When entering full phone number , you do NOT have to enter dashes 




  1. Hit enter, and if NO customers appear, then the customer is NOT in the system , so you would then have to type NEW, ,in the Ship -To field, then ENTER this will start the NEW CUSTOMER CREATION process and the following screen will appear Note: YOU MUST BE IN UPPER CASE WHEN CREATING THE CUSTOMER!



Field Descriptions


Phone: Type in the customer's phone number. You do not need to     

enter the separators that appear between the numbers. For   

example, you can enter 8005551234 instead of (800) 555-1234.

If the telephone number that you enter matches a number   

currently in the database, Eclipse will display a list of

possible duplicate customers.     






Name:      Type in the customer's name ( First Name ^ Last Name) , Hit enter, this will auto populate the INDEX field ( this field is used when searching for customers by NAME, so please check spelling)



Address: Type in the customer's street address. Use the second line

as necessary for additional mailing information.    



Zip : Enter Zip Code of customer, if choices appear, choose the proper one Note:  if the Zip Code is not in the system, contact Michael Gelber or Ken Yanow Note: please have city ,state info if calling



Sort By : In this field , enter the FIRST THREE letters of the customers LAST NAME, followed by the FIRST THREE letters of the customers FIRST NAME   Note: This is done for reporting purposes


Exempt# : Leave this field blank, if the customer “is” Exempt, contact Staci in AR

All the other fields, leave as is.


To enter the customers Email address, on the bottom of the screen, do “alt W”


This will then take you to the following screen to enter customers Email address


Enter until you get to the E-Mail Address field, then enter the customers email address. Do NOT worry about entering info under TYPE or PREF



Once done, hit your ESC key, this will then take you back to the New Customer Entry screen, then hit ESC, and start your order