Create and Manage Job Queues

This program is found under your QUEUES menu or you can access the program By doing a SHIFT F3(at the same time)


Creating and Sending a Job Queue

  1. From within Eclipse , a Job Queue can be created  from anywhere by doing a SHIFT F4 (at the same time). Note: Most times a Job Queue is created when in Sales Order Entry

The following example is a Job Queue created from a Sales Order. The reason for the “queue” is I want to ask the branch manager if it is ok to sell an at a GP25



View/Create the order with item in question


With cursor on the item, SHIFT F4, the following will appear


Hit enter , the following will appear


Notice how it brings over the Sales Order number(S#), Eclipse customer #(CN#/eclipse @id ) and Part # (PN#/eclipse @id).It also assigns a Queue Number, in this example LHJ947. These are very useful info . From the Queue and user can drill right into the order, customer info, and product info by doing a “alt” V(view). The following appears


Hitting enter on the S#- it will take into the order itself ( view only)

Hitting enter on the CN#, the following programs can be accessed

Hitting enter on the Product ,the following programs can be accessed


At this point, I need to ask the Branch Manager (in this example), is it ok to sell at GP25)

To do this, do a ALT “A” (New Append)

The following screen will appear

In the “To” field, enter the User Name of the person who want to send the “Q” to, then hit enter TWICE

Note: The Next Action should be who you are sending the “Q” to

Once that is done, enter necessary info, once down, hit “escape”



After “escape”


If necessary, you can add “more” users to this job queue by ALT “F”



Once done, hit escape, the system will then send the job queue and a message will appear on the bottom screen to the person(s) you forwarded it to.


Retrieve and Reply to Job Queue

To access the job queue , you can do a SHIFT F3 to access your User Job Queue or from you Queues menu, once “Q” is brought up, enter through all fields until screen populates with data

Above is an example of the a “Q” that I sent, since I have already looked at this the “^” is not there.

The next step is to “Edit Item”, using alt “I”, this will take you into the “Q” that was sent

After Alt “I”

From here, the user , as mentioned earlier, can drill right into the order, check customer info and product info. Now the user needs to answer your question. To do this ALT “A” New Append

The following screen will appear, fill in necessary info “To Field: and then enter until You get to the field to enter your “response” and then escape out

After escaping out

Then to send response back to user, hit escape. That user will then get a messaged  

Since the user just got “queued” back, they need to access their job q to see response (SHIFT F3 or Via Queue menu). In this example , you will see that I haven’t looked at the “Q” that was just sent because of the “^”

Now the user does an ALT”I” to Edit Item”

After ALT “I”

I can now see the response stating that it is OK to sell at GP25. Since this is a “DONE DEAL”, I now need to remove this from the “Q”. To do this, you will need to CLOSE the “Q” by doing ALT “C” NOTE: Deleting the queued message from you message system, DOES NOT REMOVE FROM THE USER JOB QUEUE PROGRAM!

The following screen appears


Enter on BOTH, and then type a “closing message” and then escape out and now the “Q” is gone from your User Job Queue

Note: If you are NOT the final action, and you go to close the “Q”, choose “remove me from follow-up”



Note: Even though the “Q” is NO longer in your “Q”, all info, since it was created from SOE ,the record is stored in the change log of the order, which can be accessed at any time.