Note: Before doing any of the following, make sure the PO is for YOUR BRANCH





Steps for receiving purchase order with NO backorders

  1. Open up STOCK RECEIPT entry in eclipse , the following screen will appear


  1. Enter the PO Number in the SHIP FROM field, the following screen will appear. Note: the VIEW, should DFLT to Recv Qty / Extension, if it doesn’t, do a ALT “V”, to change to this VIEW

  1. In this case, we received everything that is on the PO, so just hit “ESC”, the following screen will appear, your cursor should be on the “OPEN” generation


  1. Change the “OPEN” to “R”, you will then get the following


  1. Notice it says “receive qtys for 9/13/19 (Y/N). This is OK, you are NOT receiving items on “that date”, you are receiving qtys for “that open generation”, say “Y”, the system will change that date to the date your are receiving the material


  1. HIT “ESC”, the items are now received into the system and are now available to sell



Steps for receiving purchase order with  backorders

Follow the steps 1 and 2 as mentioned above

  1. Since there are back orders, you will need to adjust the RECV QTY as needed.

In this example we did NOT get line1 and only 25 of line 9. So, for line 1, ZERO out recv qty and for line 9, change 50 to 25. In a nut shell, adjust recv qtys to WHAT YOU got.




  1. After adjust recv qtys, escape to STATUS screen, in this example, you will see two open generations




  1. To make sure you receive in the PROPER open gen, place your cursor on the first open and do a ALT “I” (View Items), the following will appear, you can see that this IS the OPEN gen that needs to be received, but before you do that, escape out, arrow down to the next OPEN GEN, and do a ALT “I”, you will no see that items that were B/O





Below is 2nd OPEN GEN


  1. After verifying the proper GEN to receive, position cursor on the correct OPEN gen and change to  “R”, say “Y” to prompt , and then escape out. The following will appear, all   you have to type is “ADJ REC QTY”




The following is steps for receiving a SHORT SHIP

In this example, the vendors packing slips says they shipped 50 pcs of MCG123 TEST PRODUCT, yet we only got 40.

  1. Bring up the PO in STOCK RECEIPT entry
  2. Adjust the RECV QTY  as needed, in this case change the 50 to 40
  3. Position your cursor on the item and do a ALT “C” (COMMENT)

The following screen will appear, here , enter “SHORT SHIP INFO”, and then hit escape, you will see that the info entered is now attached to the item

  1. From the BODY of the order, do a ALT “H” into the HEADER  screen to see who “wrote” the order  and then hit escape to go back to the BODY



  1. Now with cursor on the SHORT SHIPPED item, do a SHIFT F4, the following will appear, hit enter on first line of screen


  1. The following screen will appear, at this point do a “ALT A”


  1. After doing “ALT A”, enter the user name of the writer of the po , hit enter, and then enter writer of po again



  1. Now let the writer know about the short ship issue  and then hit escape



  1. At this point make sure the NEXT ACTION  and FINAL ACTION  is the WRITER of the PO, then escape , this will take you back to the PO. Escape to the status screen, verify the proper OPEN gen to receive(VIEW ITEMS), and then change OPEN TO “R”, Escape out of PO and enter reason for change 





The following is steps for receiving a OVERSHIPPED

In this example, we ordered 50pcs, yet the vendor shipped 60 of MCG 456 TEST PRODUCT 

  1. Bring up Po in STOCK RECEIPT entry
  2. Position your cursor BELOW the “OVER SHIPPED” item and do “ALT “, then insert key, this will insert a “new” line .


  1. Now enter the  qty of OVERSHIPPED ITEM



  1. With cursor on item , ALT “C” (COMMENT), and enter info related to OVERSHIPPED ITEM



  1. Now go into the HEADER SCREEN, to see who wrote the PO and escape back to BODY
  2. With cursor on OVER SHIPPED item, do a SHIFT F4, hit enter, then alt “A”

Enter writer of po, enter, then enter writer of po again, enter and then enter info of OVERSHIPPED ITEM

  1. Now you should be back to the BODY, with cursor on “OVERSHIPPED “ item, do a ALT “S”, this will take you to the following screen. This screen can be a little confusing, so concentrate on the RECV  DATE where there is a RECV QTY value



  1. Since we have to receive the OVERSHIPPED item on a “separate generation”, move the “qty” to the PLENTY DATE and then escape out back to the body



  1. Now escape to the status screen, you will see in this example two open gens. We now have to receive the STOCK items FIRST, and then the OVERSHIPPED item SECOND. The best way to do this is , is by doing ALT “V” VIEW ITEMS


Example of stock items that need to be received first


Example of OVERSHIPPED  that needs to received AFTER stock items

After receiving STOCK items first and then OVERSHIPPED item second 


Escape out of PO, enter reason for change and you are done


The following is steps for receiving a WRONG ITEM SHIPPED

In this example the vendor shipped us the wrong item. (note: if the wrong item shipped is not in the product file, contact the writer of the PO to create the item)


  1. Bring up PO in STOCK RECEIPT entry
  2. Go to the item you did not get and zero out RECV QTY, then below that item (do alt INSERT. If necessary), enter item you got.
  3. Then on THAT item, ALT “C”, TO ENTER COMMENT




  1. With cursor on “wrong item”, ALT “S” into schedule screen and move the item qty to the PLENTY DATE








  1. Now go the HEADER screen to see who wrote the PO and escape back to BODY
  2. With cursor on WRONG ITEM, SHIFT F4, enter, ALT “A”, enter writer of PO ,enter ,enter writer of PO again, enter and explain WRONG ITEM issue




  1. Make sure NEXT ACTION  and FINAL ACTION is writer of PO, escape back to PO
  2. Escape to Status screen, in this example, there will be “3” OPEN gens. 
  1. One open gen for the stock items to rec
  2. One for the B/O item( what they said they shipped)
  3. One for the “wrong item”

We now need to receive the stock items first,(ALT “I” ON ALL GENS TO VERIFY)

Then receive the WRONG ITEM shipped second. There will be, in this example, one open gen for the item they said they shipped , but we did not get.


The following is steps for receiving a DEFECTIVE item

The following explains how to receive a DEFECTIVE  ITEM after material has been taken off the truck and received in system. In this example, when putting away the MCG 123 TEST PRODUCT, we found 1 out of the 10 received was damaged.

  1. Bring up the PO in STOCK RECEIPT entry
  2. Go to the item in question and ALT “S” into schedule screen


  1. Since we have already received the item, and found out when putting it away , “1” was defective, you now have to do a ALT “L”(split locations)

The following screen will appear



  1. Go to qty field and change, in this example, the 10 to 9, since we only want to receive 9 into “stock”, then on the line below, in the TYPE field, enter F and then tab to qty field and enter qty of “1”


Note: if necessary, enter location of where DEFECTIVE was put



  1. Then escape out of po

If po, has NOT been received yet, follow steps 1-2.

Then in the SCHEDULE screen, in this example, change RECV QTY  to 9 and move the 1 to the PLENTY DATE


Then change they type on the PLENTY DATE ITEM  to “F”

And then change to PLENTY DATE to match DATE  of the item we are receiving into to STOCK


Escape out, back to the body, and then JOB Q (shift f4), the writer to advise them of “defective issue”, then receive in PO, 9 will be available to sell, 1 will be in the RGQ for someone to get RGA and send back to vendor for credit