Inevitably, there will be times in which material was shipped incorrectly, missing or over shipped. It is the duty of the RECEIVEING branch to receive the transfers/material into the system accordingly and notify the shipping branch that there were discrepancies and the differences need to resolved ASAP.
Resolving transfer discrepancies involves BOTH branches counting their material to ensure that they have the correct amount on the shelf and the product wasn’t simply overlooked.
For example: If the receiving branch says they were shorted 2pcs and the shipping branch counts that material and finds 2pcs extra in their stock, chances are the items didn’t get shipped and the receiving branch is correct. The shipping branch would then need to edit the transfer and reduce the ship quantity by 2pcs.
Eclipse recommends that the discrepancies be taken care of on a DAILY basis, so inventory is correct and there are NO transfer discrepancies. Regardless, all discrepancies must be handled on weekly basis and by the end of the month all disputed transfers should be fully reconciled; Eclipse will not allow disputed transfers to be edited once the monthly period is closed.
WORKING the Transfer Register Report:
The report is found under your XFER menuàTransfer Register
The following screen appears
The best way to work the transfer discrepancies is through the Transfer Register report. This report lists three different types of material:
- Shipped and Received
- Shipped /Not received
- Disputed
Note: These choices are found when you press an F10 key and your cursor is in the Status field
We are not concerned about transfers that were Shipped and Received, since there are no problems with those transfers.
The Shipped/Not Received transfer register should be run on a weekly basis to ensure that there are no transfers left open. You will be looking for transfers that are a week old and should have been received. If you feel the transfers should have arrived at the receiving branch by then, you will need to contact them and ask them why the transfer has not been received yet.
Disputed Transfer Report
Note: Since disputed transfers cannot be edited after month end, run the report from the first day of the present month to end of the present month
In the following example, we are running the DISPUTED Transfer report for transfers BR3 has sent to all other branches
Once you have filled in the necessary fields, you will then do an ALT-H to send the report to your hold file, once the report has finished running, you will receive a message from the Phantom.
Transfer Reg - 12/31/2020 - 01/04/2021 Batch : is
You can now access the report by going into YOUR hold file (Shift F2)
Or do a SHIFT F1(this brings up the LAST report you ran)
In this example, the report shows that BR3 shipped one (1) of a W1610004, but the receiving branch shows not receiving any
Transfer# Fr Br#. To Br#. Shp Dt..Shp Qty.. Rcv Qty
T2446544 3 19 12/31/20 W16100041 0
At this point, the shipping branch needs to count this item, if we show that we have ONE (1) more than our on hand shows, BR3 needs to go into the transfer and adjust the ship quantity.
If BR3’s inventory is correct, then BR3 needs to contact the receiving branch and let them know that their inventory is correct and for the receiving branch to double check the count on the item.