Monitoring the Customer Calling Queue:

This program can be found under your QUEUES Menu

Monitor the Customer Calling Queue to proactively track orders that require calls to the customers. The queue reminds you to at the appropriate time about orders with status of:

C- Call When Complete - The order appears in the Calling Queue when ALL quantities of ALL items for the ship date generation are available.

L- Call When Available - The order appears in the Calling Queue when ANY quantity of any item for the ship date generation is available.

W- Call When Specified - The order appears in the Calling Queue on the specified date (ship date on order), regardless if inventory is available or not.

Orders with the above statuses do not print shipping tickets.  Instead, these orders send reminders to the queue that action is needed.


Using the Customer Calling Queue - New Items:

NOTEsystem will DFLT to NEW ITEMS

When first accessing this program, you will want to look at “NEW ITEMS” first. These are orders that are ready to SHIP, unless the order is in a “W” status.

When you are in the program, the following screen will appear


Brch:   This looks at the shipping branch of the order, so it is recommended to enter ALL

Type: System will default to “NEW ITEMS” 

Writer: (Optional) Enter the user ID of an order writer to display only sales orders for that writer. If you leave this field blank, the system selects orders for all writers.    

End Date: Leave this field BLANK

Credits:  Select one of the following to determine whether to include or exclude items that include credits, such as customer returns:   

  * Include - Includes all items, whether they have credits or not. This is the system default.                             

  * Exclude - Restricts selection to items that do not have credits. 

NOTE: Orders that display using the type NEW ITEMS, must have their status codes changed for them to be shipped.


After the “orders” display, you can use the following options, as needed. 

NOTE: Different options may be available, depending on your selection in the TYPE field. 

NOTE: GPS will not be using the CONSOLIDATE function at this time


  1. To open selected order for VIEWING, alt “V
  2. To open selected order for EDITING, alt “E
  3. To open selected order’s HEADER screen, alt “H
  4. To open selected order to DETAIL SCHEDULE, alt “D
  5. On selected order, to LOG CALL, alt “L”, the following will appear




In the LOG CALL window, do the following as needed:

  1. In the “Next Call” field, enter the date on when the Next Call should be made (the order will appear back in the “Q” on that date).
  2. DON’T WORRY ABOUT “Mail Card”, leave as “N”
  3. In the COMMENT field, enter any “needed” comments

EX: Called Mike, still waiting on roughing to be installed. Should be ready my next Friday. This COMMENT will appear in the Change Log of the order.


In the example below, it shows how it appears in the CHANGE LOG of the order:


  1. To display the “Item(s)”, that caused the order to come to the “Q”, alt “I” (ViewItems) 



Once you are done working the Calling Queue for New Items, you can use the same program to look at orders that are in “TROUBLE

Orders in “Trouble”, are orders whose available dates have slipped, perhaps because the vendors are now behind schedule filling purchase orders. Eclipse compares today’s date with the Earliest available date, regardless of the orders ship date, to determine if an order needs addressing. 

NOTE: The system will list ALL orders regardless of STATUS CODE


Steps to Bring Up Orders that May be in Trouble:

  1. Open up the Customer Calling Queue
  2. Brch:   This looks at the shipping branch of the order, so it is recommended to enter ALL
  3. Type:  hit F10 function key and choose TROUBLE
  4. Writer: (Optional) Enter the user ID of an order writer to display only sales orders for that writer. If you leave this field blank, the system selects orders for ALL writers
  5. End Date: Leave this field BLANK


Once the above info is filled in, hit your ENTER key, the following will appear:


The systems is now asking the following:

Selecting the "Trouble" option causes Eclipse to prompt for the number of "Days In Trouble."  This is the number of days beyond the assigned ship date (the number of days that the order is past due).   Eclipse recommends 10-14 days. If you leave this field blank, it will bring up orders that “may” not be on trouble. You would need to look at SHIP DATE/EARLIEST column to see if the order is in TROUBLE.













You may see some SYMBOLS, next to some of the orders, here is what they mean:


*- The purchase order has a “receive date changed from” in the change log of the PO. This indicates that the original receive of the po was changed.


V- The purchase order has a “Vendor Ship Notified” in the change log of the PO (This is an EDI notification from the vendor)


+- The purchase order has a “EDI created PO Acknowledgement” in the change log of the PO to indicate an EDI 855 Acknowledgement Doc for the PO.


The HOT KEYS in this program are the same as if using the TYPE of New Items, but there are a couple of added Hot Keys when using the Type of Trouble


  1. Alt “A”- AdjShipdt, Gives you the ability to adjust or change the ship date on a trouble order quickly. This hot key is only available when you select Trouble as the Type of order.     
  2. Alt “C”- ChngView, This will allow you to toggle from ship date to required date




Removing Orders from TROUBLE Queue:

One way to remove the order that is in TROUBLE is by using the Adjust Ship Date (AdjShipdt) Hot key. NOTE: This option should only be used after your customer has been made aware of the new SHIP DATE and has authorized the change. When this option is used, your order will disappear from the “Q” as being in TROUBLE because the SHIP DATE and EARLIEST AVAIL DATE are now matching. The system will update the Change Log of the order to indicate the adjustment took place.

Example: Before

After using Adj Ship date hot key:

Change log of order:


Another method for removing an order from the TROUBLE queue is to EDIT the order and possibly PROCURE the item. This decision should be made by the customer. Remember, if the customer wishes you get the item in an emergency situation, they may need to pay for the FREIGHT it would take to get the product expediated.

By Procuring the item for your customer, the earliest availability for the item should be less than your ship date.

Another way to get and item out of trouble, if the customer agrees, is to use a “SUB” item if it exists.

REMINDER: This program should be looked at every day, periodically throughout the day, for both NEW ITEMS and TROUBLE.