A little helpful hint to help understand this program:
4’s- Ship date, Status, Ship Via and Ship Branch, when all the same, one generation. If one “S” is different, multiple generations
Generation = Ship date
When using this program, all items will display in a ship date order
To access the detail schedule screen, you must be on the STATUS screen of the order. Hit ALT “D” for Detail Scheduling ( on bottom of the screen )
The example below is displaying a bid with one generation/ship date.
Remember, you can use the VIEW ITEMS program to see what items are on each generation/ship date. Note: place cursor on generation in which you want to VIEW ITEMS
After doing alt “I” on the generation/ship date
By using the Detail Schedule screen, you will be able to see all items that are on each generation/ship date and adjust as needed.
The above screen shot displays the following:
Product Description- The description of the item contained in the generation/ ship date
Avail- The availability of the item. This is the same information that you would see if you were in the Body of the order and view was displaying the available quantity for the item ex: Earliest Avail
Ship Qty- The quantity that can be shipped on that generation/ ship date.
UM- The unit of measure in which the item will ship
Ship Date- the date for the generation the items are scheduled on
Status- The shipping status of the sales order taken from the status screen. If the status is changed here, it will update to the status screen as well
ShpBR- The branch that the items are shipping out of
Req Date- To access this field, you need to change your VIEW (ALT V)
Note: Ship Qty, Ship Date, Status, Via, ShpBR and Req Date fields can be updated in this program
Use the following HOTKEYS :
ALT “H” to access the HEADER screen for the generation/ship date your cursor is on to add or edit details for the order, such as cust po, shipping instructions
ALT “B” to access the BODY of the order to edit order detail information
ALT “A”, All Complete- changes the ship date for all open generations to the earliest avail date when all items in a generation will be available
Alt “T” to access the Total screen for the generation your cursor is on to enter payment or extra charges
Alt “I” to access Inventory Inquiry screen to review the product’s inventory levels at the branches
Alt “V” to toggle between the ship via/ ship branch column view and the required date column view
Alt “S”- this will take you into the Line Item Schedule. This program allows the user to schedule one-line item at a time
In the screen shot below, there are 6 items that are all on the same ship date/generation, another way of knowing this is the first item has status and the rest don’t as they are all doing the same thing, ship date and status
Note: You can think of the first item as the “Mommy” and all the other products are her babies. Mom and Baby are all on the same ship date and status
In the following example, since the 2nd item is available, MCG 456 TEST PRODUCT, and the customer wants that item shipped tomorrow, we need to break baby away from mom. You would think, just navigate to the status column for that item and change to a “S”, but the system will not let you, it stops you at ship date
Since Mommy and Baby are doing the same thing (ship date and status), you would need to change the ship date of baby so it becomes its own “mother.” In the below example, the ship date of the MCG 456 TEST PRODUCT, was changed, you can now see it became its own “mother.”
Now, you can navigate to the status field and adjust as needed. In this example, it is now scheduled for the next days delivery
In the example below, you will see that “Mommy” and “Baby” are all on the same ship date, status, and ship via.
When you change anything on the “mommy” line, notice the prompt (in this example, the date is being changed), and answer accordingly.
By answering “Y”, notice how ALL items changed to that date
By answering “N”, you will see that “Mommy” changed, but “Baby” stayed the same
Using the Detail Schedule screen with a “large” ordered quanity
In the example below, which is in a “B” status you can see an ordered qty of 100 and we now need to break/release that item into multiple ship dates from the bid.
From the BID, the customer has asked to have 25pcs shipped on three different ship dates. Since they are not sure when they will want the last 25, we will keep them as a “B.”
First, we have to scheule the first shipment. To do this, change qty to “25”
Nowpush the date out, since we still need to schedule 2 more shipments
Since the first line is it’s own “Mother” I can now adjust the shipdate, status, and ship via.
Now, adjust the qty again to create the next ship date.
Now the system is asking, since there is already another “ship date”, do I want to add it to that ship date or create a “new” ship date. In this exmaple, I will create a “new” ship date”
Below shows the new ship date created
Now just adjust the ship qty
Ater adjusting shipdate to 2.15.20
Now with remaining 25, I would click on “NEW” to create the ship date for the order.
Now all that needs to be done is to adjust status, ship via and branch (if necessary).
In the below example, the ship date of 3.15.20, I will have another branch ship the item out.
So, the 75 total items have been scheduled out, based on what the customer wanted, still waiting on the other 25pcs, so they were left in a “B” status.
After escaping out of the detail schedule screen and back to the status screen
Using the Detail Schedule screen, you can also “Procure” the item when necessary.
In the example below, you can see that the MCG 161718 TEST PRODUCT is NOT available but the customer can not wait for the “avail date” of 1/28/20 , so the item needs to be procured.
With cursor on the item, you would need to do a “ALT S” to access the Schedule screen. From there, I accessed the inventory inquiry screen and saw that we had the item in BR1
Since you can not procure an item in the “B” status, I could go over and change the status to a “C”, in this example, but I would then get the following.
In this case, I do not want to over comit, so I will say “N” to the prompt, and just move the ship qty to the “plenty date”
You will notice, that the system automatically assigned that generation/ship date a status of “C”, because we just scheduled a back order, and all customer back orders default status is “C” (this can be changed if necessary). I now can do a “ALT P” to procure the item.
After escaping out and then back to the detail schedule screen