STEPS TO COPY A BID- This is useful if you need a similar price quote for the same customer or another customer. After you copy a bid, you can edit the new bid as needed


  1. From sales order ,in the ship-to field, enter the customer sales order number

of the original bid create

  1. Use the MODE KEY (ALT “M”), and then select COPY TO SALES ORDER BID
  2. Specify the field information below , as needed


  1. Enter Price Branch- The branch number that identifies the branch to use to determine the pricing rules for the products on the new order
  2. Enter Ship Branch-  The number that identifies the branch that will ship the order to the customer
  3. Ship-To Same Cust Y/N- Specifies whether the bid is for the same customer. If a different customer, you must review pricing (which is set as expired)
  4. Ship-To Customer- Specifies another Ship-To customer.
  5. Gens to Copy- Specifies which order generations to copy: All, Current or Open. The default is ALL . Note : If multiple generations are copied, the systems combines any that it can
  6. Copy Original Prices Y/N- Specifies whether, or how, pricing will be copied

Yes- Use the prices on the current order

No- Do not use the prices on the current order

Manual Overrides Only – Do not use the prices on the current order, except for any manual overrides you have made NOTE: If this flag is set to YES, then the system marks all prices with an asterisk (*) on the new bid

  1. Copy Original Costs Y/N- Specifies whether, or how, costs will be copied     

Yes- Use the costs on the current order  

No- Do not use the costs on the current order.

Manual Overrides Only- Do not use the costs on the current order, except for any manual overrides you have made

  1. Copy Original COGS Y/N- Specifies whether, or how, COGS will be copied      

Yes- Use the costs on the current order  

No- Do not use the costs on the current order.

Manual Overrides Only- Do not use the COGS on the current order, except for any manual overrides you have made


Steps f, g and h should be set to NO





When all above has been entered. Use the Begin hot key to create the bid