Steps to create a SHIPPING PURPOSE only ticket


There are times when we make a delivery and forget an item(s) on the delivery but the customer was billed for everything on the ticket and we need to get the item(s) to the customer. The following are steps on how to handle this scenario.


  1. Bring up original order
  2. The do a alt “D” for ship date


  1. The following screen will appear, ARROW DOWN to NEW and hit enter

  1. The following will appear, fill out the necessary fields and hit enter. This will create a new generation/ship date on the order   


  1. You will then be on the body of the order, here you will enter a qty of 1, hit enter, then enter the SHIPPING PURPOSE ONLY product

  1. With your cursor on the item, alt “C”, to enter an  attached comment, enter what needs to be shipped ,then escape



  1. Process the order, so shipping will  have paperwork to put on a manifest(for those branches using Manifest)